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Naked Exposure [Après-Ski 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 4
Naked Exposure [Après-Ski 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Read online
Page 4
“Come on,” he said tersely. “Leave that coverage running on a loop, and we’ll go get another beer.”
Darcy felt humiliated. She had just all but thrown herself at Ross, but he’d made it obvious he wasn’t interested. She ought to feel relieved rather than insulted. It would make it easier for her to do what had to be done. Even so, she was disappointed. She must be a really terrible person. Her life was falling apart, the welfare of others depended upon how she conducted herself over the next few weeks, and yet all she could think about was getting laid.
Ross got her another glass of wine, but she no longer felt comfortable with him, nor did she wish to cling. She moved away from him, chatted to one of the other guys, and she became separated from Ross altogether as the bar got busier and other people installed themselves in their circle. Ross and Leo remained at one end of the bar, but Ward and Tanya had disappeared. So had the pilot and the guy with the dog. She’d already forgotten their names. She noticed Fiona from the ski-school walk in, dressed to the nines, and make a beeline for Ross. Perhaps there was something going on between the two of them after all, which would explain Ross’s lack of interest in her. Get real, not everyone thinks you’re God’s gift. Darcy bit back her jealousy when she saw Fiona stand on her toes to kiss Ross’s cheek.
Ross did that thing with his raised arm again, and got Fiona a drink. Darcy tried to keep them in her line of vision, determined to torture herself by figuring out the true nature of their relationship. If they were an item then Fiona would have no reason to feel jealous of her. That would be a good thing because she might need to befriend Fiona and win her trust. Darcy sensed she was more likely to be gatekeeper to the information she needed to find than Ross was. Even so, against all common sense and her most astute survival instincts, Darcy didn’t want Ross and Fiona to be involved because…well, just because.
Someone pushed her from behind, she toppled forward and a beefy arm wrapped itself around her waist, saving her from falling.
“Sorry, darlin’.”
“It’s okay.”
Darcy extracted herself from the man’s grasp and wiped spilled wine from the back of her hand onto the side of her jeans. She tried to move away but the man’s arm caught her again. What was she doing here? She hated crowded bars and getting hit on by guys who didn’t interest her.
“Let me go,” she said curtly.
“Hey, that’s not very friendly.”
Too late, she realized the man was already drunk. She pulled away, he lurched toward her and spilled the entire contents of his beer glass down her top. Before Darcy could do anything to help herself, another large arm intervened, forcibly moving the drunk off her. It was Ross—she would recognize his unique smell anywhere. Relief surged through Darcy. She’d been feeling trapped and claustrophobic. Now she felt safe, albeit soaking wet. Hell, the beer had gone right through her shirt, plastering it to her tits.
“Get him out of here.” Ross sounded furious as he motioned to one of the security guys to remove the drunk.
“Sorry, Ross,” the employee said. “Didn’t see him.”
“It’s okay.”
Ross took Darcy’s hand and let her to the back of the bar. “Come on,” he said. “We need to get you out of that wet top.”
Chapter Four
Ross so didn’t need this. He’d been fighting the attraction he felt toward Darcy since she’d waltzed into his office that morning. His instincts told him she was too good to be true, turning up at a time when Ross was desperate for a videographer. She wouldn’t last, of course. Either she’d get fed up with a job that wasn’t challenging enough, or she’d get poached away by one of the other families.
Leo was wary about her appearing out of the blue at a time when relations were at an all-time low between the families. Darcy claimed to have seen Ross’s advert for the post on one of the ski notice boards where he’d placed it. Nothing suspicious about that. Besides, what ulterior motive could she possibly have? Be that as it may, Leo had told Ross to keep a close eye on her. He glanced down at her soaked torso and managed a wry smile, figuring Leo probably hadn’t meant quite this close. Shit, how did he get himself into these sorts of situations?
“In here,” he said curtly.
Ross punched a four-digit code into a doorway at the back of the bar. It swung open and he stepped back to allow Darcy to step through it first, making sure it closed firmly behind them. They were now in the guys’ sitting room, the one in which they’d had their meeting earlier, and the loud music blaring in the bar on the other side of the wall was muted.
“Sorry to be such a nuisance.”
“Not your fault. There’s a half-bath over there,” he said pointing. “You can clean up while I find you something else to wear for now.”
“Thanks.” She avoided looking at him, as though she felt tension in the situation and felt uncomfortable about it, too. She glanced around the comfortably furnished room with its over-stuffed sofas, roaring log fire, huge television, fully equipped bar, and shelves of books and DVDs. “Whose room is this?”
“All six of us share it. We have our own suites upstairs, but this is common territory.”
“I see.”
“Go and take your things off. I’ll be right back.”
Ross ran up to his room, thinking he could have phrased that better. He rummaged in the drawer where he kept his T-shirts and pulled out the smallest one he could find. It would still swamp her, but it was the best he could do. He’d ask Tanya for a loan of one of her tops, except he happened to know she and Ward had taken themselves off to the dungeon. It was all right for some!
He took a moment to think about what had happened since Darcy had arrived at Hadleigh’s that night. He knew she had wanted him to kiss her in the recording room. Hell, he’d wanted to kiss her so bad he hadn’t known which way was up. How he resisted, he still didn’t know. His cock throbbed as the memory. It throbbed even harder when he recalled the sight of her nipples, hard and perky, through her soaked shirt and bra. The suspicious part of his brain wondered if she’d engineered the accident deliberately, just to get him here alone. But why would she do that? Ross wasn’t so vain he thought himself that irresistible. If she wanted a guy, there would be no shortage of takers in the bar. He’d been watching her, and saw the interest she’d gotten from other men.
No, it had been an accident, but how the fuck was he supposed to deal with the fallout? Darcy was scorching hot, but it wasn’t just that which made him want to go that extra mile for her. There was something about her. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was exactly. A slight vulnerability perhaps, or a preoccupation that made him really want to know what was on her mind. Either way, she was downstairs right now, half-dressed, and he was supposed to keep his hands to himself. Not that he had to. He’d already decided the attraction was mutual, but Leo was suspicious of her and Ross’s first loyalties were to Leo. Besides, he never mixed business with pleasure.
For the first time he really regretted the absence of his regular sub, Monique. If she was around, he could drag her into the dungeon and take his frustrations out on her by whipping her cute ass until she safe-worded him. But she wasn’t here, and Ross was going to have to sort this out himself.
“What can’t be cured must be endured,” he muttered to himself as he descended the stairs two at a time and let himself back into the lounge.
Darcy wasn’t there, but he could hear the water running in the half-bath.
“You decent?” he asked, tapping on the door. “I’ve got a shirt for you here.”
She opened the door a fraction, and put a bare arm around it. Ross shouldn’t have looked through the opening, but he doubted there was a red-blooded man alive who could have resisted. She had a towel wrapped around her top half—a hand towel that didn’t cover her slender midriff. Shit, she was hot! Her skin looked silky smooth, her face was flushed. Ross swallowed, simp
ly looking at her, unable to say a word.
She leaned forward awkwardly in the confined space to grab the shirt. As she did so, her butt was forced against the sink, she’d left the hot water running and she shrieked as it hit her bare back. Her hands flew up to turn off the water, the towel fell to the floor, and Ross sprang into action. Reaching around her, he turned off the water at exactly the same time as her hand touched the faucet. Their fingers meshed, she somehow tumbled against his chest and then next thing Ross knew, she was in his arms.
He had to close them around her to keep her from falling, or so he told himself. Her naked breasts were now squashed against his torso, her breathing was ragged and erratic, her lips shiny and wet when she looked up at him and parted them as though about to speak. All that emerged from her mouth was a startled oh. Ross shared that sentiment. This was one provocation too far, and he lost the slender hold he’d been maintaining over his raging instincts.
With a wolfish growl he lowered his head and captured her lips in a drugging kiss. His tongue cut a path through her mouth with practiced and persuasive ease. Her arms slid around his neck and she returned the kiss with passion, tiny little mewing noises slipping past their fused lips as his hands moved to her cute butt and pulled her tighter against his erection. It was now or never, Ross thought. He must either stop this while he still could, or take things to their logical conclusion. When he broke the kiss, still conflicted, she sent him a sultry smile, her eyes blazing with desire.
“Sorry,” he said, releasing her. “That shouldn’t have happened.”
“Because you’re involved with Fiona?” Her arms remained around his neck, and she twisted a strand of his hair around her forefinger. Her knuckles brushed against his neck each time she did so, messing with his resolve.
“No, I already told you that.”
“She still wants you.” Darcy canted her head, smiling up at him. “She makes it pretty damned obvious she thinks of you as her personal property.”
“She’s out of luck, for the same reason we can’t take this any farther. We work together. In my experience, mixing business and pleasure always ends in tears.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” She removed her arms from around his neck and turned away as best she could in the confined space, arms now covering her naked breasts. “Just give me a moment to dress, and I’ll leave you in peace.”
“Darcy, I didn’t mean…” Shit! Ross ran a hand through his hair, unsure how to handle this situation. He so didn’t want to offend her, but if he took this thing between them to its obvious conclusion, it would create more problems than it solved.
“Don’t sweat it. You’re right, it’s best to keep things formal. Can you get my coat for me from the bar, please? Presumably there’s a side door I can leave by so I don’t have to walk through the bar wearing your shirt.” She shot him a withering look. “Whatever would the locals think?”
Fuck, she really was feeling humiliated. It shouldn’t have mattered, but when he saw the light leave her lovely eyes, it mattered one hell of a lot. He swore beneath his breath as he pulled her back into his arms. The moment her half-naked body again collided with his, he felt the storm that had been brewing between them ignite in a shower of red hot lust.
“Are you sure?” he asked, fixing her with an intense look.
“As long as you don’t regret it in the morning,” she replied flippantly.
“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” His hands roved across her naked back, and he discovered for himself that her skin really was as soft, as velvety smooth, as it looked. “I’m guessing you don’t make a habit of this type of thing.”
“Right.” She blushed. “Must be something they put in the water around these parts.”
Still squashed into the small half-bath, Ross pushed the hair away from her neck and trailed kisses down its length. “Just so you know, I’m not big on vanilla sex, babe.”
“Hmm, you’re not?” She threw her head back, giving him easier access to her neck. “Then what are you into?”
Ross chuckled. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“I don’t know you very well, but I didn’t have you pegged as reticent. What is it? Are you some sort of sadist?”
“Not precisely.” His lips had moved to her collarbone. She tasted as delicious as she smelled. “But I do like to be in charge.”
“That doesn’t surprise…oh God!” She squirmed against him when he lapped at the hollow at the base of her throat, and then gently nipped. “Whatever you just did, do it again.”
“You are just as responsive as I knew you’d be.”
“You’ve thought about it?”
“Only since you walked into my office this morning, but I didn’t figure I’d get to do anything about it.”
“Hey, Ross, you in here?”
“Shit!” Darcy jumped like she’d been scalded again. Ross released her, sending all sorts of murderous thoughts his buddy’s way. “That’s Rick, and his timing sucks.”
“I don’t want him to see me like this.” Darcy grabbed the tiny hand towel again.
“I don’t want him to see you, either.” He kissed the top of her head, and pulled the towel out of her grasp, grinning at her affronted expression. “Rule number one, no hiding from me,” he whispered. “You stay here. I’ll see what Rick wants, then we’ll carry on where we left off.” He paused. “Provided you don’t have a change of heart in the meantime.”
“Hurry up,” she replied trembling, eyes sparkling with passion.
“You got it.” Ross left the half-bath, closing the door behind him. “Say, Rick, where’s the fire.”
“What you doing in there?”
“What the fuck do you think?”
“Oh, right. Listen, buddy, about the presentation for the Russians.”
“What about it?”
“Well, I was thinking we could cut a new trail for the husky sleds above the black run on the eastern piste. It’s real pretty up there, but I’m not sure it’s passable, so I need to check out the terrain with my best dogs.”
“Yeah, that might work.”
“Right. None of the other families have huskies, or trails that wind through so many trees. I’m betting they’ll love it.”
“Yeah, I reckon so, too.” Ross folded his arms, wondering if he ought to tell Rick to keep his voice down. Darcy would be able to hear every word, but she’d been so embarrassed about being caught in here half-dressed, Ross hesitated to mention her presence. It might make her change her mind about their having sex together. Ross, who hadn’t thought it wise, now couldn’t wait to get started.
If Darcy only knew what went on in the dungeon below them, she wouldn’t be so modest. Tanya had been just the same when she first met Ward—nervous and embarrassed about the things Ward had her do for him. Now she was totally comfortable being naked, or chained, or led around on all fours, whipped in front of all the guys in the house—whatever Ward decided she deserved, worked for Tanya. She’d taken to the lifestyle like a natural. Even Leo had expressed surprise at how readily she had adapted, and everyone who lived in the house felt good, albeit slightly envious, of Ward’s good fortune. Tanya was one in a million. Would Ross ever get that lucky?
He returned his thoughts to Darcy overhearing his conversation with Rick, deciding it didn’t matter if she did. She worked for him now, so she’d find out about the Russians soon enough anyway. “What do you need from me?” he asked Rick.
“I wondered if I could borrow Ward tomorrow afternoon. He skis off piste up there sometimes, so he’ll be able to advise me on the best route.”
“Sure. Check with him. If he doesn’t have any private clients, then I’m sure he’ll be willing to help.”
“Great.” Rick slapped Ross’s shoulder. “Any idea where he is?”
Yes, Ross knew exactly where he was, the lucky bastard, but that was definitely something best not put into words. “Er, busy,” he said.
Rick laughed. “Okay,
I get it. When isn’t he nowadays?”
“Yeah well, in his position—”
“Right, say no more. I’ll catch him later.”
Rick made himself comfortable, sprawled full length on a couch while they talked, and for a moment Ross thought he wasn’t going to leave the lounge. Before the situation got to the point of embarrassment, Rick’s cell phone rang and he left the room to take the call.
“All clear,” Ross said when he returned to the half-bath.
“Good.” Darcy had put his T-shirt on, but was braless beneath it. She was also trembling.
“Are you cold?”
“No, but I am nervous. What did you mean just now when you said you liked to be in charge?”
“I’m a sexual Dom,” he replied, seeing no point it not telling her. If she cut and ran that would be a good thing, right? “Know what that is?”
“You’re what?”
Ross laughed. “Don’t tell me I’ve shocked you.”
“Not at all.” But Ross could see that he had. “You like whips and leather and all sorts of kinky stuff?”
“On person’s kink is another’s turn-on.”
“I’ll take your word for that. I’ve never had firsthand experience of the scene you’re into.”
Ross flashed a slow, sexy smile. “Baby, you haven’t lived.”
“Call me a wuss, but I don’t like pain.”
“You sure about that?” Ross cocked a lazy brow. “Have you ever explored the full extent of your sexuality?”
“Well no, but I know what I like.”
“Not the same thing.” Ross ran his gaze down the length of her body, undressing her with his eyes, not bothering to hide his appreciation. She blushed, but withstood his scrutiny. “Have you ever fantasized about being tied up, blindfolded, spanked?”
“Well, perhaps being tied up wouldn’t be so bad.”
“There you go.” Ross grinned at her, then tweaked her nose. “Just be guided by your imagination, sweetheart. There’s no right and wrong way to react. Talking of which, I bet your body’s talking up a storm right now. That cute pussy of yours is leaking like a drain, just because of the direction your thoughts have taken. Am I right?”